According to ABC news, across Australia, about 30 per cent of NDIS participants have under-utilised plans. For those on their first plan, under-utilisation of funding is a state-wide issue. Once participants have plans, a lot of them don’t know how to actually use them and find providers and the services they need, which means their goals set out in their plans are not being fully realised. And without a support coordinator, participants and their families said it was even harder to use the funds. “The people who would benefit the most from having an NDIS plan to achieve their goals are probably less likely to be able to navigate the system,” they said.
Don’t know where to start with your new NDIS plan?
Don’t stress, we have some useful tips for you on how to unpack your new plan:
- Know your strengths and interests
Start with your hobbies, interests and strengths, think of what you will be good at and keen to know more, research on what services/programs are available in your community and mainstream services, and most important share it with your support person/team and involve them in your research and decision-making processes
- Focus on your short-term goals in the plan
It could be overwhelming when looking at all those goals set in your NDIS plan. It is often easier to break things down and take baby steps one at a time. Focus on your imminent short-term goals you want to attain in 3 months’ time. From there, look for opportunities, support and services on offer in your community and network that would help you achieve your goals, draw up a list to guide you along
- Reach out to your local support community/service providers
With your support/service-to-go-for list, start approaching your local support community and service providers one by one, make a phone appointment, send them an email or book a meetup with them to learn more about what they do and can offer to help you reach your goals. Also, check and compare costs with reference to your NDIS plan if they charge for a fee
- Engage a Support Coordinator
If you have Support Coordination funding in your NDIS plan, you should consider engaging a Support Coordinator as soon as your plan comes out. This is because Support Coordinators can help you to understand your plans with consideration to your interests and your life, connect you with services/support that will help you meet your goals and needs, most important of all they will help ‘unpacking’ your plan, explain each support item in your plan, interpret complicated NDIS terms for you, map your supports, make referrals to service providers on your behalf and monitor their services to you. Support Coordinators will walk through your plan with you to ensure maximum positive outcomes on your goals and utilisation of funding
Why Choose Your Way Disability SA for your NDIS Support Coordination?
Navigating your way through the NDIS system can be a daunting process but our highly skilled and experienced team are here to take the stress away. Our support team are thoroughly acquainted with all areas of NDIS funding and will help you make the most out of your budget to meet your specific needs and to focus on specific goals in your NDIS plan.
Your Way Disability SA Support Coordinators will:
- connect you with mainstream services and/or providers
- build your capacity in understanding
- managing and making the best use of your NDIS plans
so that you can get more information, equipment and/or skills to achieve what you want in life more easily.
We are here to support you gaining independence, choice and control over your funding and to achieve your goals.
We provide the following levels of Support Coordination:
- Level 1 Support Coordination – This support is to build your ability to connect with informal, community and funded supports enabling you to get the most out of your plan and pursue your goals.
- Level 2 Support Coordination – This support will assist you to build the skills you need to understand and use your plan. The Support Coordinator will work with you to ensure a mix of supports are used to increase your capacity to maintain relationships, manage service delivery tasks, live more independently and be included in your community.
Once you have connected with Your Way Disability SA team, you and your new Support Coordinator will meet to talk about the services that will be delivered. Our Support Coordination can be delivered either in face-to-face meetings, over the telephone or facetime it’s your choice Your Way.
Source: ABC News
Got more questions? We are here to support. Simply drop us a message via the contact form or call us at 08 8294 9801.